|  vision  |

​​My name is Sokhom Long and I work as a Field and Project Officer for VIR. I am from the Kandhal province and currently live in Siem Reap with my wife and five children. I have been working for VIR since September 2005 on the Livelihood Improvement project.  My previous experiences include working for non-governmental organizations such as Cambodian World Family (CWF).

By working with VIR, I would like to see the affected communities being rehabilitated, introduce agriculture, and enable literacy in the countryside to make the country better. ​My hobbies include fishing and watching TV shows".

C H E T  P E N  |  P R O J E C T  C O O R D I N A T O R

|  background  | 

|  goal  |

VIR will contribute to the reduction of poverty by means of improving literacy, public health, human rights and law enforcement. With the assistance of VIR, people will have the freedom to express their own ideas through participatory decision-making. Disaster protection and the effectiveness of market relations will improve.​

VIR works closely with government and local and international NGO partners to streamline service delivery and share experiences and skills. VIR is currently working with Caritas International to provide services to local villages and has previously worked on projects with provincial and agriculture departments, The Department of Fishery, The Provincial Fisheries Office, The Department of Women's Affairs and The Provincial Environmental Office.

​​My name is Orn Sokphorn and I am from the Khom Pong Thom Province. I received my bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from South-East Asia University in 2011. I just recently joined the VIR team in 2014.  ​ ​I enjoy working with the lovely VIR staff every day.  ​In my spare time I enjoy playing with my children and growing vegetables in my garden".

M E A S   S O T H Y   |  E X E C U T I V E   D I R E C T O R

VIR gives its staff members and the members of its target communities the chance to participate in project activities. Training is available for beneficiaries to receive knowledge and experience that will benefit them. This training is available to anyone: it is not allotted in a discriminatory manner.​

S O K H O M  L O N G  |  ​PROJECT  O F F I C E R

The poor in our target areas receive utmost support from VIR’s projects in order to improve their living conditions.

|  participation  |

Vulnerable people will live sustainably, enjoy improved health, become literate, and live without violations to their human rights.


​​​My name is Kuon Thary and I am from Kampong Tom Province and I currently live in Siem Reap Province. I am working as Field and Project Officer at VIR since 2018. My previous experience includes working with various Non-Governmental Organizations, such as Caritas Cambodia and Salvation Center Cambodia. In my spare time I like upgrading my skills on agriculture, entrepreneurship and I enjoy keeping up to date with the news regarding Cambodia and the world."

FORMED IN 2005, Vulnerability & Illiteracy Reduction (VIR) is a Cambodian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) working with some of the poorest families in the Siem Reap province. VIR works in 9 villages in the Svay Check and Reul Communes. VIR is passionate about improving literacy rates within the community, improving human rights, and improving access to the government and health care. VIR works to reduce poverty through the implementation and support of numerous income generating and self-sufficiency projects. 

|  mission  |

My name is Chorn Sina and I am from Taoursor Village Khom Pongkhleang and I currently live in Siem Reap province.  I am working as Team Leader at VIR since 2019.  My previous experience includes working as a Women's Entrepreneur team leader.  In my spare time, I have dedicated my time and resources to support programs that empower women in rural communities.


​​“My name is Meas Sothy and I work as the Executive Director for VIR. I graduated from Build Bright University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in 2006, and a Masters of Business Administration in 2008. Prior to joining VIR, I held positions with the Cambodian Centre for the Protection of Children’s Rights, World Vision-International, and Neary Khmer Organization. I enjoy reading, exercise, and conducting research on the Internet".

V U L N E R A B I L I T Y   &   I L L I T E R A C Y   R E D U C T I O N


|  helping the poor  |

​​My name is Chet Pen. I am from the Battambang province and currently live in Siem Reap with my wife and two children. I began working for VIR in March 2014 on the Livelihood Improvement Project. My previous experiences include working with multiple charitable organizations including Cambodia Mines Action Centre and Buddhism for Development.

My aim is to help poor families and vulnerable children improve their livelihood through income generation and access to healthcare. ​My hobbies include playing tennis and musical instruments".

|  honesty + transparency  |

VIR’s team is appropriately structured with a set of defined roles and responsibilities. They are hardworking and implement their projects carefully and efficiently. VIR staff are held accountable for their actions.

Poor people living in our target areas are empowered by sustainable development policies, welfare, education, and family economics.​

VIR staff are honest to themselves and to others, transparently sharing their knowledge and experience on all project activities. Results and finances are documented diligently and accurately.​

|  responsibility  |